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Road north

A journey of time and space. Scotland-Japan, Now and EDO

Un texte de Tomohiko Ogawa écrit à l'occasion d'un récent travail de correspondance avec l'artiste écossais Alec Finlay.

Tomohiko Ogawa est artiste, il vit et travaille à Beppu, Japon.


 A journey of time and space. Scotland-Japan, Now and EDO

The Road North is a poetic project which is a tribute for a goldstandard japanese HAIKU poetry, "Oku no Hosomichi -means The Narrow Road to the Deep North or The Narrow Road to the Interior", intended by a scotish artist Alec Finlay as Sora and a scotish poet Ken Cockburn as Basho. They explane about this project on their blog as "the road north is a word-map of Scotland, composed by Alec Finlay & Ken Cockburn as they travel through their homeland, guided by the Japanese poet Basho, whose Oku-no-Hosomichi (Narrow Road to the Deep North) is one of the masterpieces of travel literature. Ken and Alec left Edo (Edinburgh) on May 16, 2010 - the very same date that Basho and his companion Sora departed in 1689 - and when they return, on Ma...

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Road north

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